
Brexit: a «mov­ing tar­get» for the Swiss busi­ness sec­tor too

Brexit con­tin­ues to dom­i­nate the media and the po­lit­i­cal agenda in both Lon­don and Brus­sels. With just one year to go be­fore the UK leaves the EU (on 29 March 2019), ne­go­ti­a­tions have reached a crit­i­cal point. Time is run­ning out, the po­lit­i­cal stakes are high and a mu­tu­ally ac­cept­able so­lu­tion for fu­ture re­la­tions still ap­pears to be a long way off. The EU Coun­cil adopted im­por­tant de­ci­sions on 23 March 2018. How­ever, un­less these are also rat­i­fied there will still be no bind­ing so­lu­tion. The risk that com­pa­nies in the UK and else­where in Eu­rope could suf­fer eco­nomic harm is there­fore grow­ing – even though the ma­jor­ity of them in both the EU and the UK were against Brexit.