# 10 / 2016

So­lu­tions rather than Lit­i­ga­tion

Costly and Harmful Bogus Claims

The Responsible Business Initiative was launched by a broad alliance of more than 60 non-governmental organisations and ecclesiastical institutions in April 2015. The Initiative demands additional liability regulations for companies in cases where human rights and international environmental standards are violated.

The topics addressed by the Initiative – human rights and environmental standards – are noble and also in the interest of the business community. The publication "Corporate Social Responsibility from a Business Perspective" provides an overview of the existing measures adopted by companies, the instruments of the Swiss government, and current political developments at the national and international level.

Companies want a constructive dialogue and closer cooperation between all players – a goal that is also promoted by the UN. But this very approach is called into question by the people's Initiative. This is because the Initiative backs the wrong instruments to achieve genuine improvements benefitting humans and the environment.