

Who we are

economiesu­isse is the um­brella or­gan­i­sa­tion for the Swiss busi­ness sec­tor. We rep­re­sent the in­ter­ests of the com­pe­ti­tion-ori­ented, in­ter­na­tion­ally net­worked and re­spon­si­ble-minded Swiss busi­ness sec­tor. As the link be­tween the po­lit­i­cal arena, the econ­omy and so­ci­ety, we cam­paign for the best pos­si­ble frame­work con­di­tions for Swiss busi­nesses – from small and medium-sized com­pa­nies through to major cor­po­ra­tions. We are the um­brella or­gan­i­sa­tion for 100 trade and in­dus­try as­so­ci­a­tions, 20 can­tonal cham­bers of com­merce and a broad range of com­pa­nies. We cur­rently rep­re­sent around 100,000 com­pa­nies from all sec­tors and all re­gions in Switzer­land, which to­gether em­ploy a total of around two mil­lion peo­ple. We main­tain an open, con­struc­tive and so­lu­tion-ori­ented di­a­logue with eco­nomic pol­icy-mak­ers and the pop­u­la­tion. To­gether with our part­ners we also set out to achieve shared ob­jec­tives in ref­er­enda and peo­ple’s ini­tia­tives. Our com­mit­ment to the Swiss busi­ness sec­tor is ori­ented on the prin­ci­ples of free trade and com­pe­ti­tion, and sus­tain­able growth.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:





Our Team. For its rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the in­ter­ests of Swiss busi­nesses, the economiesu­isse team works from of­fices in Zurich, Bern, Geneva, Lugano and Brus­sels. Please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us if you have any ques­tions or con­cerns.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:

Team & or­gan­i­sa­tional chart

Branch of­fices



Our goal

A strong econ­omy. A strong Switzer­land.

Our goal is to se­cure Switzer­land as a com­pet­i­tive and at­trac­tive busi­ness lo­ca­tion. We firmly be­lieve that an in­no­v­a­tive, highly com­pet­i­tive and flour­ish­ing econ­omy forms the basis for our well-being and for Switzer­land’s pros­per­ity. As part of our com­mit­ment to se­cur­ing a strong econ­omy, we build bridges be­tween the busi­ness sec­tor, pol­icy-mak­ers and so­ci­ety, and we as­sume full re­spon­si­bil­ity for our con­tri­bu­tion to­wards the well-being of so­ci­ety as a whole.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:

Guid­ing prin­ci­ples


What we do

Com­mit­ment to a lib­eral and sus­tain­able mar­ket econ­omy. At the po­lit­i­cal level and dur­ing ref­er­enda and pop­u­lar votes, economiesu­isse cam­paigns in all areas of eco­nomic pol­icy for the best pos­si­ble frame­work con­di­tions for the Swiss busi­ness sec­tor. We are com­mit­ted to se­cur­ing a lib­eral and sus­tain­able mar­ket econ­omy that takes ac­count of all eco­nomic, so­cial and eco­log­i­cal goals.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:

Suc­cess fac­tors

How we work


Di­a­log with busi­ness. We main­tain an open, con­struc­tive and so­lu­tion-fo­cused di­a­logue with the pop­u­la­tion. Our guid­ing prin­ci­ple: The econ­omy – it’s all of us. All of us are re­spon­si­ble for shap­ing our eco­nomic model so that it can con­tinue to be suc­cess­ful in the fu­ture. This means that on­go­ing di­a­logue on the econ­omy is a cen­tral fac­tor.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:

Di­a­log with busi­ness.


Act­ing on be­half of our mem­bers. We are here to sup­port our mem­bers. The mem­bers of economiesu­isse ben­e­fit not only from our rep­re­sen­ta­tion of their in­ter­ests and our com­mit­ment to se­cur­ing Switzer­land as an at­trac­tive busi­ness lo­ca­tion, but also from the broad range of ser­vices we pro­vide and our unique na­tion­wide net­work. We are ac­tively in­volved in var­i­ous in­ter­na­tional bod­ies, work closely to­gether with our mem­bers and keep them con­stantly up to date with de­vel­op­ments in our var­i­ous busi­ness areas. And we net­work with other as­so­ci­a­tions and or­gan­i­sa­tions which pur­sue the same ob­jec­tives.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:


