For­eign in­vest­ment con­trol: a self-de­feat­ing pol­icy ob­jec­tive

Gov­ern­men­tal su­per­vi­sion for for­eign di­rect in­vest­ments would be counter-pro­duc­tive for Switzer­land’s eco­nomic com­pet­i­tive­ness.

For­eign in­vest­ment is a key suc­cess fac­tor for Switzer­land’s open and in­ter­na­tion­ally strongly in­ter­con­nected econ­omy. There­fore, Swiss busi­ness op­poses gov­ern­men­tal in­vest­ment su­per­vi­sion, as it is cur­rently de­manded by some politi­cians. Hence the coun­try would fol­low pro­tec­tion­ist ten­den­cies - with­out any ob­jec­tive ne­ces­sity to do so. Switzer­land al­ready has tai­lor-made mea­sures in place to ef­fec­tively pro­tect com­pa­nies and in­sti­tu­tions that are es­sen­tial to na­tional se­cu­rity. Busi­ness ac­tiv­ity in Switzer­land should be strength­ened by good po­lit­i­cal frame­work con­di­tions and not by im­pos­ing con­trols on for­eign in­vestors.

dossier­poli­tik DE

dossier­poli­tik FR