Switzer­land's pol­icy on Eu­rope

It's one of the most con­se­quen­tial po­lit­i­cal ques­tions we will have to an­swer in the com­ing years: how do we shape our re­la­tion­ship with Eu­rope? What should our re­la­tions with the Eu­ro­pean Union (EU) look like in the fu­ture? Not only busi­nesses but every one of us ben­e­fits from a close align­ment with our neigh­bors. For Swiss busi­ness the fullest pos­si­ble ac­cess to the Eu­ro­pean sin­gle mar­ket is cru­cial. Pre­serv­ing and de­vel­op­ing the bi­lat­eral treaties is a top pri­or­ity for economiesu­isse.

Our Position

Se­cure and Im­prove Bi­lat­er­als

  • economiesu­isse fa­vors a busi­ness-friendly and Eu­rope-com­pat­i­ble im­ple­men­ta­tion of the mass im­mi­gra­tion ini­tia­tive. Im­mi­gra­tion should be sub­ject to a safe­guard clause.
  • The bi­lat­eral treaties with the EU are ex­tremely im­por­tant for the Swiss econ­omy and must be se­cured.
  • The bi­lat­eral re­la­tion­ship with the EU must be de­vel­oped fur­ther. 
  • Going it alone is no so­lu­tion for our coun­try – not now, not in the fu­ture.

Brexit: a joint po­si­tion paper of economiesu­isse and TheCityUK

On March 29th, 2019 the United King­dom will be leav­ing the EU. Until this date, the long-stand­ing close bi­lat­eral re­la­tion­ship be­tween Switzer­land and UK must be based on a new con­trac­tual frame­work. Time is run­ning and the pre­vail­ing in­se­cu­rity is harm­ing busi­ness - es­pe­cially in the Swiss and British fi­nan­cial sec­tor. Get some in­sights about the most press­ing fields of ac­tion for the fi­nan­cial sec­tor by read­ing the po­si­tion paper of economiesu­isse and TheCityUK.

Read the po­si­tion paper