
Swiss in­fra­struc­ture is quite im­pres­sive: not only trains, roads and air­ports but telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion and postal ser­vices as well. But this qual­ity should not be taken for granted. It is be­com­ing ev­i­dent today that many areas have been ne­glected for too long, es­pe­cially in road trans­port. Big in­vest­ments will be needed to main­tain the cur­rent level through the com­ing decades and pri­vate sec­tor com­pe­ti­tion should be part of the mix. Ex­pe­ri­ence shows that basic ser­vices can be guar­an­teed even if some of them are not pro­vided by state-owned or state-af­fil­i­ated com­pa­nies.